
TORONTO-Lecture University of Toronto: Education for Peace

 What is important is not solely teaching something to a child; it is shaping their spirit for observation and reflection, critical analysis within research and the love for truth,” Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière,

The ELIC Foundation (Free Schools of Scientific Research for Children) presented the lecture: “Education for Peace”, given by our presidents Maria Nilda Cerf and Jose Miguel Esborronda.  The event took place at the OISE University of Toronto last May 31st, organized by the Canada delegation in the city of Toronto and sponserd by the University of Toronto with special support of Dr. Jack Miller from the group of holisitc educators.




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“What is important is not solely teaching something to a child; it is shaping their spirit for observation and reflection, critical analysis within research and the love for truth,”Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière.


The ELIC Foundation (Free Schools of Scientific Research for Children) is proud to present the lecture: “Education for Peace”, to be given by our presidents Maria Nilda Cerf and Jose Miguel Esborronda at the OISE University of Toronto, (252 Bloor St. W, room 5-160), on May 31st, from 10am to noon.


Join us for this interesting lecture based on the high ideals proposed by the eminent sage Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière where we will discuss Education for  Peace and how vital it is we shape our children todevelop their potentials, providing them with all of the necessary tools to grow in harmony with themselves and society.  


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